Grassroots Gathering Three.
The third gathering took place in Belfast in October 02. I can't find the blurb that advertised it in advance but when I do I'll put it up here. See below for accounts of what went on.
Third Grassroots GatheringThe 3rd Grassroots Gathering: The third GrassrootsGathering takes place in Belfast from the 25th - 28th of October 2002(A Bank Holiday weekend in the Republic). It's happening at Giros.The Belfast GG kicks of with a 'critical mass' action on Friday the25th meeting at City Hall at 5.30pm (so bring your bike if you can).
Workshops & discussions will take placethroughout Saturday & Sunday. There are planned around 20workshops, on issues such as gender, direct action, Sellafield,Peoples Global Action, Media Activism, creating social spaces,European Social Consulta, Anti-war Actions. There will beentertainment throughout the weekend with films, games & music(Giros hosts Irelands only d.i.y. venue 'the Centre'). Monday the28th has been set-aside for Actions, which will be planned over theweekend.
Accommodation (crash space) is available, therewill be kids activities, wholesome, tasty, & cheap vegan foodwill be provided. Please contact us & tell us your coming so wehave an idea how many people to expect.
If you have any special dietary/accommodationneeds please contact us so we can accommodate you. Giros disabledaccess is not good if you have special needs please contact us inadvance & we will try to work something out.
Over the weekend volunteers will be needed forvarious task, specifically cooking & helping with kidsactivities. If you'd like to volunteer in advance that would begreat.
Grassroots Gathering
C/o Giros
1-5 Donegal Lane
(00447759598798 from ROI)
To find Giros (thevenue, our DIY social centre), you first find the front of the CityHall, walk down that road as far as the Belfast Telegraph building(near the cathedral), turn left, past the Irish News (right), pastthe statue of Lenin (left) until you come to a pub with a tackyflashing red neon sign called the Front Page. Opposite this is analleyway, and down here is Giros.
On Friday 25th, we kick off with a critical massat the front of City Hall at 5.30, followed by a meeting aboutupcoming anti-war actions at 7pm in Giros, where people can registerfor accomodation.
Sat 26th and Sun 27th, we start at 11 am, andfinish at 6 pm, with three rounds of three workshops each. This isfollowed by general partying. Food is available cheap from the Cafe,supervised play activities for kids is organised, etc. etc. Mon 28this our Food Not Bombs launch, so there's a bit of action, too.
The list of workshops (not comprehensive)is: